Digital Literacy Computer Foundations 1 prepares students to work effectively in today’s technology environment. In this course, students will learn about the basics of computers, tablets, phones and modern IT appliances. Students will also gain basic Mouse/Keyboard skills via innovative and interactive learning, games and muscle memory practice to become more confident with basic technology. Students will learn basic communication using Google Search, email and communication basics and navigating basic Windows operating system to understand basic rules of icons, drag & drop and other tasks to become computer literate. Layered in with the online material with this course are hands on labs where students learn the basics of troubleshooting and and repair of their own devices. Also included with this course is an IT and Technology “Assesment” of Digital Literacy. Students enrolled in the course will also receive additional Digital Literacy training that also includes basic overview of popular productivity tools such as Microsoft Office, Word, Excel and other basic tools in modern computing and communication. Sucessful students will receive a Certificate of Completion after going through this course. Learners who would like to continue their education can progress to our Computer Foundations Level 2.
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